Wednesday, July 28, 2004

Good Advice (Warning: This one is REALLY LENGTHY)

Recently, I decided that the gods are sending me messages. Mainly because advice that people are giving me lately is actually making sense and being taken to heart. Here is an email conversation that Eeyore and I had recently. Every name has been changed as well as the emails being edited soas to cut out contact information and stuff.

Hey Eeyore,

I was just talking about you tonight. Remember Auntie Mame? She is living in L.A. now. Actually she is flying me out to see her August 4-8. Well, she is supposed to be flying me there. I am waiting for the plane tickets to be emailed to me. I guess I never knew that you could have plane tickets emailed to you. You should come to Jackson on the third. If you do, we can hang out or have lunch or something in an environment more conducive to conversation. The last couple of times I saw you was at "the club" and I was typically pissed off or drunk.

How are things going with...I am not sure what you told me his name was? Kevin? (Not being an ass, just genuinely do not remember and did not want to call him Ole Whatsizzname.) I'll call him Kevin until I am told otherwise. I hope you two are doing well. Hope he is treating you better than I treated you. Not really sure if you read my journal anymore, but I have decided that aside from being totally unbearable, drug inducing pain in the ass to date, I also am in need of anger management classes. NN told me that I do not need them. When I consider the fact that I have gotten into a fist fight with two people whom I dated in less than a year's time, I know I definitely should be going.

JT and I only dated for two months. I have plotted an elaborate revenge involving a chemical called Cadavradene...possibly misspelled. After plotting this revenge I decided to just let it go as I do not let things go enough. I am, however, going to be ruining the life of the guy with whom he cheated on me. With any luck, he'll lose his job after I out him and his crack addiction at his workplace. I probably shouldn't, but I am vengeful. You know that. Plus, the bastard has done this to several couples that I know so he has it coming. I am just the only one with low enough morals to actually go thru with it.

What else is going on? Oh I tend to workout alot after a breakup. I also eat alot less. Lately I have only been eating once every two or three days and working out like four or five times a day. Everytime my stomach growls or I think about food I do crunches and push ups. I have two abs that you can actually see well and two that are starting to show up some. I am very excited. I thought they were all supposed to show up at once though.

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Preston,

Did she move in with the guy she went there to meet, or did she just like LA so much on her visit she wanted to move? (I am talking about Auntie Mame of course).

Unfortunately, I have already purchased my ticket, and being that I went through Hot Wire, I am not allowed to change the dates or times (but it did save me $75). I hope you get to go, you will have fun no doubt, but if not I would like to meet up with you outside the club...not my favorite place anyhow. Things are going well with Herminio (that would be his name). My car died...big suprise. Long story, I will tell you if you are in Jackson when I come back. Anyhow, it was traded in for something new...Hermie got a Lexus, I am driving a Nissan 4x4 Frontier. People really respect a 4x4, when I put on my blinker, everyone lets me over. We have also put the townhouse up for sale. And Kevin does treat me well. We do not get to spend a lot of time together, he has to work a lot, but the time we do have is productive and great. We do a lot of home repairs and working in the flower beds. It sounds boring, but I actually enjoy it. I also have a studio in the basement, although I have not had much time to do any painting (I started a painting, it is still sitting there, mocking me).

Sorry to hear about you and JT. It does not sound like he treated you well, my advice would be to let it go. You definitly deserve to be treated nice and with respect. I do not necessarily believe you need anger management classes, try yoga or painting first. I am not trying to be facious, but some quiet time or meditation or an artistic release may be mind clearing. Personally, that's why I go to the gym. It gets a lot of energy out of my system and I feel better.

I don't like the fact you are not on a regular eating habit either. I know you do not want to gain weight, but your body needs nutrients. Make tuna salad, eat fruit, grab a protien bar...find small snacks throughout the day and keep your energy level steady. I think that will also help with, and I do not mean to offend you, your moods. Take care of yourself and keep in contact. I will talk with you later.

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Eeyore,

I have started eating again. Mostly tuna and Slim Fast. Oh and bananas. Bananas are awesome. Who knew?!

Auntie Mame was travel nursing and decided to stay. She is no longer seeing the guy who lives there. She is now seeing some guy who likes to feel pretty and dress in drag. He says he isn't gay, bi, or a transvestite, which confuses me, but she seems happy. He won't put out though. That is getting to her a little. He also told her he wants to have a sex change, so he can be a lipstick lesbian. I told her she REALLY needs to find someone else before she ends up in Zip-loc freezer bags.

I have started reading alot lately what with working a midnight shift and all. I am finishing about four books a week. I have also started reteaching myself French. Hopefully, I will be in school at...JSU...starting in the fall. In case I am not, I decided to use my night shift wisely and attempt to teach myself what I can soas to not fall too far behind.

Wallaby Jones gave me some good advice. I have heard it from everyone a million times, I think you even gave it to me once, but for some reason it stuck when Wallaby told me this last time. He told me to stop getting so worried about dating someone and just enjoy myself. Actually, the way he put it was, "Preston, you should really start being more selfish. I KNOW for a FACT you have it in you, you should just use it more. Stop worrying about dying alone all the time, and start having fun, girl!" Pretty close to his actual words. For some reason, THAT is exactly what I needed to hear and how I needed to hear it. So lately I have been having fun. Granted, I have only been single for a little over a week now, but I think I will actually be allright with BEING single for once in my life. I don't know. I am happy. Wallaby Jones is like my new Bubba Buddha.

Anyway, I know you are a busy busy man and all now, so I'll stop rambling. Maybe I'll put off flying out for a day or something as I have not yet gotten my tickets.

Unless you actually know the people that I am talking about in the emails, that was all probably pretty damned boring to you. However, this IS my goddamned journal so screw you.

I finally read The Catcher in the Rye by J.D. Salinger. I always refer to it as one of my favorite books, but anyone who knows me knows that I have never actually read it. I have started reading it about a billion times, I know the first eighty pages of it almost by heart. Unfortunately, I always tend to put it aside never returning to it. Well, I have now read the whole damned thing and it is officially one of my favorite books. I feel like I have grown as a result of this book. Here is an excerpt from it that spoke volumes to me. Also, I thought that Holden Caulfield's, the protagonist, movie review was hilarious, so there ya go. Actually, here are all my favorite excerpts. You should be able to tell which one spoke to me. Unless, of course, you are a complete mongoloid baby. And this is alot to type, so I REALLY REALLY did love these parts. I type less than fast, so I felt they were important enough to take the time to type out and share.

"Then, after the Rockettes, a guy came out in a tuxedo and roller skates on, and started skating under a bunch of little tables, and telling jokes while he did it. He was a very good skater and all, but I couldn't enjoy it much because I kept picturing him practicing to be a guy that roller-skates on the stage. It seemed so stupid. I guess I just wasn't in the right mood. Then, after him, they had this Christmas thing they have at Radio City every year. All these angels start coming out of the boxes and everywhere, guys carrying crucifixes and stuff all over the place, and the whole bunch of them- thousands of them- singing 'Come All Ye Faithful!' like mad. Big deal. It's supposed to be religious as hell, I know, and very pretty and all, but I can't see anything religious or pretty,for God's sake, about a bunch of actors carrying crucifixes all over the stage....I said old Jesus probably would've puked if He could see it- all those fancy costumes and all. Sally said I was a sacrilegious atheist. I probably am."

"...Her goddam hat blows off and he catches it, and then they go upstairs and start talking about Charles Dickens. He's both their favorite author and all. He's carrying this copy of Oliver Twist and so's she. I could've puked. Anyway, they fell in love right away, on account of they're both so nuts about Charles Dickens and all, and he helps her run her publishing business. ...It ends up with everybody at this long dinner table laughing their asses off because the great Dane comes in with a bunch of puppies. Everybody thought it was a male, I suppose, or some goddam thing. All I can say is, don't see it if you don't want to puke all over yourself."

"...Once you get past all the Mr. Vinsons, you're going to start getting closer and closer- that is, if you want to, and if you look for it and wait for it- to the kind of information that will be very, very dear to your heart. Among other things, you'll find that you're not the first person who was ever confused and frightened and even sickened by human behavior. You're by no means alone on that score, you'll be excited and stimulated to know. Many, many men have been just as troubled morally and spiritually as you are right now. Happily, some of them kept records of their troubles. You'll learn from them- if you want to. Just as someday, if you have something to offer, someone will learn something from you. It's a beautiful reciprocal arrangement. And it isn't education. It's history. It's poetry."

Later Consuela.