Was Headed for Bed When...
(Conversation I just had on Yahoo Messenger with a guy whom I swear is with the secret service or something)
Yah: Excuse me! I know yr ID by accident...and I read yr quotes in profile...they impress me much....I hope that I can talk to u, to listen to u, to share all things......Of course, if u dont mind......
Yah: pls answer me, yes or no,I really dont wanna interrupt u
Teeny: yea that's fine give me a sec though to get offline with my friend
Yah: ok, thanz for answering
Yah: hey there, have u finished?
Teeny: back
Yah: oh, thanks God
Yah: Well, maybe I have to introduce first
Yah: Well, Im an Asian
Yah: male 20
Teeny: Caucasian 22 in Mississippi, US here
Yah: Hope that u wont look down an Asian
Yah: Ok
Teeny: asian guys always say that
Teeny: why is that?
Yah: well, I dont know...Cuz when I try to talk to them, they......
Yah: I dont know why
Yah: But how abt u?
Teeny: i was just curious bc every time i have spoken to an asian guy online they always say something to the effect of "I'm asian. hope that isn't a prob"
Yah: well, maybe different cultures
Yah: and sometimes it cause prob
Teeny: oh well i don't have a problem with it if you don't
Yah: but if u dont think that is a prob, we can forget it
Teeny: okay
Yah: ok
Yah: u r so nice, lol
Yah: well, Im a student
Teeny: where?
Teeny: and what major?
Yah: well, Im in Vietnam, maybe u know this name, its so "seriuos" to many American
Yah: rite?
Yah: Im studying Foreign Trade
Teeny: cool i am a language major
Teeny: i want to learn 13 languages total
Yah: oh, hope that one day in the future, u will learn Vietnamese
Teeny: it is on my list
Teeny: of languages to learn
Yah: Foreign Trade also needs foreign language
Yah: well, so nice...and so surprised
Yah: lol
Yah: really!!
Yah: well, r u also a student?
Yah: I know Japanese
Teeny: will be in august or may have to wait until january
Teeny: but will be back in school soon
Yah: u mean in vacation now?
Yah: Im studying but now I have an Internship with a company, and maybe I will work soon
Teeny: I want to learn vietnamese, french, german, italian, portuguese, spanish, greek, american sign language, latin, japanese, any native african language, russian, and one more (undecided)
Teeny: i am working full time now in a hospital but will be back in school soon and still working fulltime
Yah: but, now how many do u know?
Yah: well. its so cool when u list Vietnamese the first
Yah: lol
Teeny: now? english, very little spanish, alot of french and some american sign
Yah: Ok, u need more time...Hope u will learn more
Teeny: yea i definitely will
Teeny: languages are my passion
Yah: And I hope that I will be your Vietnamese "tutor" lol
Teeny: i want to be able to go practically anywhere in the world and be able to communicate with people in their native language
Teeny: lol you may end up being just that
Teeny: i will need one
Yah: well, me too..
Yah: haha, Im always ready
Yah: well, dont know what makes me try to contact u,,,, but it seems that I have met a vey cool one
Teeny: thanks
Teeny: you too
Teeny: how'd you get my screenname anyway?
Teeny: my screenname is kind of unusual
Yah: well, in a chatroom
Teeny: oh
Yah: I told u that I dont know why...
Yah: maybe there is something, very splendid
Yah: lol
Teeny: lol
Yah: makes me talk to u
Yah: well, if u try to learn many languages, u should save money and travel
Yah: its better
Teeny: if i learn that many languages, rather WHEN i learn that many languages i will travel all the time
Yah: I have learned Japanese for 2 years but..
Teeny: no point in learning 13 languages if i am not goin to use them
Yah: dotn use it much
Yah: easily forget
Yah: ah, I see
Teeny: when i learn japanese, i will probably start speaking in japanese all the time
Teeny: i love japanese culture
Teeny: well i love what i have seen, read, and heard about it
Yah: so, Vietnam is a good one, cuz its very cheap to travel here, and u dont cost money for studying...Im yr "tutor"
Yah: lol
Teeny: lol
Teeny: i definitely want to move to a country that speaks each language for 6 months each at least
Yah: well, Im not kidding...I say true thing .lol
Teeny: that way i can perfect the language and dialect
Yah: u rite
Yah: Well, I love English but Im not so good at it
Yah: sometimes I feel hard to explain my idea
Teeny: you seem to be alot better at it than most americans i know who speak it as a primary language
Yah: ooh, is it a praise?
Yah: lol
Yah: thanks
Teeny: yes, a praise for you and a complete disrespect for most americans
Yah: well, u seem hate American
Teeny: don't hate Americans just like almost everyone else in the world more
Yah: hey, maybe u know Vietnam through history book, rite?
Teeny: yes i do
Yah: well, I know the relationship between Vn and Ame is not so good
Teeny: but i do not like history books that much. i think they only tell one side of the story and try to make America look like victims
Yah: thats why I feel hard to begin talking with someone there
Yah: America is victim?
Yah: I dont think so..
Teeny: well according to American history books, America is perfect and everyone else is always the bad guy
Teeny: that is why i hate to read about American history
Yah: ah, now I see
Yah: yeah, especially Vietnam, they look down us
Yah: But they dont know that we r always friendly
Teeny: i just think that if most Americans would actually read about everything that happened during wars to both america as well as the other countries, they would see that america is not as innocent and perfect as it likes to pretend to be
Teeny: exactly
Yah: Have u seen the film " Quiet American" of Phillip Noyce?
Teeny: no, is it an independent film?
Yah: it made in Vietnam
Yah: talk abt Vietnam war
Teeny: i haven't seen it but i will definitely watch it i love movies like
Teeny: just looked it up online to read what it is about
Yah: U can see in war, VN still show the best thing we have
Yah: in behavior
Teeny: have you seen Farenheit 9/11?
Yah: well, not yet
Teeny: it is an excellent Michael Moore movie
Yah: But I have booked at the film store
Yah: maybe next week
Teeny: I love him. he says and shows things in films that most people are too scared to talk about
Yah: i havent seen the film but I read alot in paper
Yah: I know much abt the gov'nt there
Teeny: it is really good. makes President Bush look like an ass
Yah: Iraq war, Bush, John Kerry...etc
Teeny: well President Bush made himself look like an ass. Michael Moore just turned it into a movie
Yah: u r rite
Yah: hope that all American have the same idea with u
Teeny: most do
Yah: the world will be better
Teeny: especially after that movie came out. most movies do not influence people the way that one did
Teeny: they wanted to ban it until after the election
Yah: yes, I have read abt that
Yah: Bush tries to fight agaist M Morre
Yah: anyway, this film has been showed in Ame.. Thats a really great thing
Teeny: bush tries to fight against anyone. are you familiar with the term inbred?
Yah: no, thats so strange
Yah: pls tell me!
Teeny: inbred is a term that is used to describe extremely stupid people. like when a brother and sister have a child together, aka inbreed, and it is mentally handicapped
Yah: I c
Teeny: President Bush is inbred
Yah: thanks for explantation
Teeny: or really really stupid
Yah: yep, he is!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Teeny: i'm Preston by the way
Yah: well, do yr friends have the same idea with u?
Teeny: not all but most
Yah: It seems that u love political topic...
Yah: lol
Yah: maybe I try to read papers more
Yah: to talk with u
Yah: lol
Teeny: hahaha i am actually not a very political person at all. I just started reading alot about it lately because President Bush aggrivates me so much
Yah: haha, I see
Teeny: and once i start talking about it, i cannot seem to stop
Yah: so surprised that u can share all yr mind with a so new friend- if u accept- like me
Yah: lol
Yah: ( haha,
Yah: 3et
Yah: 3++
Yah: sorry
Yah: mistyped
Teeny: haha well i will say just about anything that i have on my mind
Yah: ( let talk, I dont call u talkative,,,)
Yah: dont kick me!!!
Teeny: it will probabl;y get me into trouble someday
Yah: lol
Yah: so, what other things except language and polictic?
Teeny: well i LOVE movies
Teeny: and old blues music
Yah: ohhh. me too
Yah: but music is the most favourite one
Teeny: what type of music
Teeny: ?
Teeny: do you like i mean
Yah: well,Im a little different, R&B and altanative rock
Teeny: old or new alternative?
Yah: new
Yah: well, MTV is quite a new definition here
Yah: so I just know the new songs
Teeny: i like 1990's alternative, old blues, techno, some r&b, basically i'll listen to anything other than polka and country/western
Yah: well, I also listen to all kinds, as long as it is good
Teeny: that is a good way to describe it. i listen to anything as long as it is good
Yah: but,,,the favourite singer is Mariah carey
Teeny: really?
Yah: yes
Teeny: i don't like her
Yah: how?
Yah: ohhh
Yah: I waited for the same iead
Yah: lol
Yah: but
Yah: u make me dissapointed
Yah: lol
Yah: just joking
Teeny: lol
Teeny: i used to like her alot but i heard a comedian making fun of her once and now i cannot listen to her music without laughing
Yah: well, but someone said that " Difference makes people love more"
Yah: I dont know how to explain
Teeny: opposites attract
Yah: ok
Teeny: well that is what paula abdul said anyway
Yah: well, u seem so PRO
Yah: u know all things
Teeny: hahaha
Teeny: yes i am a celebrity of sorts in america
Teeny: haha
Yah: Hope that this differnce cannot be a problem
Yah: between us
Yah: haha
Teeny: nah
Teeny: i do need to go to bed now though so i can make it to work later
Teeny: can i add you to my buddylist?
Yah: wow, I wait for that
Yah: lol
Yah: me too, ok?
Teeny: okay
Yah : really nice to meet u
Teeny: it was nice meeting you
Yah : me tooo
Teeny: we'll talk later okay
Yah: hope to see u soon
Yah : TAKE CARE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Teeny: you too
Teeny: goodnight
By the way, Ruby is out of the hospital and doing well. She says thanks for all the prayers and cards that no one sent her.
Organ and I never hooked up.
Later Consuela!
(Conversation I just had on Yahoo Messenger with a guy whom I swear is with the secret service or something)
Yah: Excuse me! I know yr ID by accident...and I read yr quotes in profile...they impress me much....I hope that I can talk to u, to listen to u, to share all things......Of course, if u dont mind......
Yah: pls answer me, yes or no,I really dont wanna interrupt u
Teeny: yea that's fine give me a sec though to get offline with my friend
Yah: ok, thanz for answering
Yah: hey there, have u finished?
Teeny: back
Yah: oh, thanks God
Yah: Well, maybe I have to introduce first
Yah: Well, Im an Asian
Yah: male 20
Teeny: Caucasian 22 in Mississippi, US here
Yah: Hope that u wont look down an Asian
Yah: Ok
Teeny: asian guys always say that
Teeny: why is that?
Yah: well, I dont know...Cuz when I try to talk to them, they......
Yah: I dont know why
Yah: But how abt u?
Teeny: i was just curious bc every time i have spoken to an asian guy online they always say something to the effect of "I'm asian. hope that isn't a prob"
Yah: well, maybe different cultures
Yah: and sometimes it cause prob
Teeny: oh well i don't have a problem with it if you don't
Yah: but if u dont think that is a prob, we can forget it
Teeny: okay
Yah: ok
Yah: u r so nice, lol
Yah: well, Im a student
Teeny: where?
Teeny: and what major?
Yah: well, Im in Vietnam, maybe u know this name, its so "seriuos" to many American
Yah: rite?
Yah: Im studying Foreign Trade
Teeny: cool i am a language major
Teeny: i want to learn 13 languages total
Yah: oh, hope that one day in the future, u will learn Vietnamese
Teeny: it is on my list
Teeny: of languages to learn
Yah: Foreign Trade also needs foreign language
Yah: well, so nice...and so surprised
Yah: lol
Yah: really!!
Yah: well, r u also a student?
Yah: I know Japanese
Teeny: will be in august or may have to wait until january
Teeny: but will be back in school soon
Yah: u mean in vacation now?
Yah: Im studying but now I have an Internship with a company, and maybe I will work soon
Teeny: I want to learn vietnamese, french, german, italian, portuguese, spanish, greek, american sign language, latin, japanese, any native african language, russian, and one more (undecided)
Teeny: i am working full time now in a hospital but will be back in school soon and still working fulltime
Yah: but, now how many do u know?
Yah: well. its so cool when u list Vietnamese the first
Yah: lol
Teeny: now? english, very little spanish, alot of french and some american sign
Yah: Ok, u need more time...Hope u will learn more
Teeny: yea i definitely will
Teeny: languages are my passion
Yah: And I hope that I will be your Vietnamese "tutor" lol
Teeny: i want to be able to go practically anywhere in the world and be able to communicate with people in their native language
Teeny: lol you may end up being just that
Teeny: i will need one
Yah: well, me too..
Yah: haha, Im always ready
Yah: well, dont know what makes me try to contact u,,,, but it seems that I have met a vey cool one
Teeny: thanks
Teeny: you too
Teeny: how'd you get my screenname anyway?
Teeny: my screenname is kind of unusual
Yah: well, in a chatroom
Teeny: oh
Yah: I told u that I dont know why...
Yah: maybe there is something, very splendid
Yah: lol
Teeny: lol
Yah: makes me talk to u
Yah: well, if u try to learn many languages, u should save money and travel
Yah: its better
Teeny: if i learn that many languages, rather WHEN i learn that many languages i will travel all the time
Yah: I have learned Japanese for 2 years but..
Teeny: no point in learning 13 languages if i am not goin to use them
Yah: dotn use it much
Yah: easily forget
Yah: ah, I see
Teeny: when i learn japanese, i will probably start speaking in japanese all the time
Teeny: i love japanese culture
Teeny: well i love what i have seen, read, and heard about it
Yah: so, Vietnam is a good one, cuz its very cheap to travel here, and u dont cost money for studying...Im yr "tutor"
Yah: lol
Teeny: lol
Teeny: i definitely want to move to a country that speaks each language for 6 months each at least
Yah: well, Im not kidding...I say true thing .lol
Teeny: that way i can perfect the language and dialect
Yah: u rite
Yah: Well, I love English but Im not so good at it
Yah: sometimes I feel hard to explain my idea
Teeny: you seem to be alot better at it than most americans i know who speak it as a primary language
Yah: ooh, is it a praise?
Yah: lol
Yah: thanks
Teeny: yes, a praise for you and a complete disrespect for most americans
Yah: well, u seem hate American
Teeny: don't hate Americans just like almost everyone else in the world more
Yah: hey, maybe u know Vietnam through history book, rite?
Teeny: yes i do
Yah: well, I know the relationship between Vn and Ame is not so good
Teeny: but i do not like history books that much. i think they only tell one side of the story and try to make America look like victims
Yah: thats why I feel hard to begin talking with someone there
Yah: America is victim?
Yah: I dont think so..
Teeny: well according to American history books, America is perfect and everyone else is always the bad guy
Teeny: that is why i hate to read about American history
Yah: ah, now I see
Yah: yeah, especially Vietnam, they look down us
Yah: But they dont know that we r always friendly
Teeny: i just think that if most Americans would actually read about everything that happened during wars to both america as well as the other countries, they would see that america is not as innocent and perfect as it likes to pretend to be
Teeny: exactly
Yah: Have u seen the film " Quiet American" of Phillip Noyce?
Teeny: no, is it an independent film?
Yah: it made in Vietnam
Yah: talk abt Vietnam war
Teeny: i haven't seen it but i will definitely watch it i love movies like
Teeny: just looked it up online to read what it is about
Yah: U can see in war, VN still show the best thing we have
Yah: in behavior
Teeny: have you seen Farenheit 9/11?
Yah: well, not yet
Teeny: it is an excellent Michael Moore movie
Yah: But I have booked at the film store
Yah: maybe next week
Teeny: I love him. he says and shows things in films that most people are too scared to talk about
Yah: i havent seen the film but I read alot in paper
Yah: I know much abt the gov'nt there
Teeny: it is really good. makes President Bush look like an ass
Yah: Iraq war, Bush, John Kerry...etc
Teeny: well President Bush made himself look like an ass. Michael Moore just turned it into a movie
Yah: u r rite
Yah: hope that all American have the same idea with u
Teeny: most do
Yah: the world will be better
Teeny: especially after that movie came out. most movies do not influence people the way that one did
Teeny: they wanted to ban it until after the election
Yah: yes, I have read abt that
Yah: Bush tries to fight agaist M Morre
Yah: anyway, this film has been showed in Ame.. Thats a really great thing
Teeny: bush tries to fight against anyone. are you familiar with the term inbred?
Yah: no, thats so strange
Yah: pls tell me!
Teeny: inbred is a term that is used to describe extremely stupid people. like when a brother and sister have a child together, aka inbreed, and it is mentally handicapped
Yah: I c
Teeny: President Bush is inbred
Yah: thanks for explantation
Teeny: or really really stupid
Yah: yep, he is!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Teeny: i'm Preston by the way
Yah: well, do yr friends have the same idea with u?
Teeny: not all but most
Yah: It seems that u love political topic...
Yah: lol
Yah: maybe I try to read papers more
Yah: to talk with u
Yah: lol
Teeny: hahaha i am actually not a very political person at all. I just started reading alot about it lately because President Bush aggrivates me so much
Yah: haha, I see
Teeny: and once i start talking about it, i cannot seem to stop
Yah: so surprised that u can share all yr mind with a so new friend- if u accept- like me
Yah: lol
Yah: ( haha,
Yah: 3et
Yah: 3++
Yah: sorry
Yah: mistyped
Teeny: haha well i will say just about anything that i have on my mind
Yah: ( let talk, I dont call u talkative,,,)
Yah: dont kick me!!!
Teeny: it will probabl;y get me into trouble someday
Yah: lol
Yah: so, what other things except language and polictic?
Teeny: well i LOVE movies
Teeny: and old blues music
Yah: ohhh. me too
Yah: but music is the most favourite one
Teeny: what type of music
Teeny: ?
Teeny: do you like i mean
Yah: well,Im a little different, R&B and altanative rock
Teeny: old or new alternative?
Yah: new
Yah: well, MTV is quite a new definition here
Yah: so I just know the new songs
Teeny: i like 1990's alternative, old blues, techno, some r&b, basically i'll listen to anything other than polka and country/western
Yah: well, I also listen to all kinds, as long as it is good
Teeny: that is a good way to describe it. i listen to anything as long as it is good
Yah: but,,,the favourite singer is Mariah carey
Teeny: really?
Yah: yes
Teeny: i don't like her
Yah: how?
Yah: ohhh
Yah: I waited for the same iead
Yah: lol
Yah: but
Yah: u make me dissapointed
Yah: lol
Yah: just joking
Teeny: lol
Teeny: i used to like her alot but i heard a comedian making fun of her once and now i cannot listen to her music without laughing
Yah: well, but someone said that " Difference makes people love more"
Yah: I dont know how to explain
Teeny: opposites attract
Yah: ok
Teeny: well that is what paula abdul said anyway
Yah: well, u seem so PRO
Yah: u know all things
Teeny: hahaha
Teeny: yes i am a celebrity of sorts in america
Teeny: haha
Yah: Hope that this differnce cannot be a problem
Yah: between us
Yah: haha
Teeny: nah
Teeny: i do need to go to bed now though so i can make it to work later
Teeny: can i add you to my buddylist?
Yah: wow, I wait for that
Yah: lol
Yah: me too, ok?
Teeny: okay
Yah : really nice to meet u
Teeny: it was nice meeting you
Yah : me tooo
Teeny: we'll talk later okay
Yah: hope to see u soon
Yah : TAKE CARE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Teeny: you too
Teeny: goodnight
By the way, Ruby is out of the hospital and doing well. She says thanks for all the prayers and cards that no one sent her.
Organ and I never hooked up.
Later Consuela!
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