Saturday, September 25, 2004

One from the Box...Again

This was actually written September 8th, but I apparently did not publish it. It has been saved as a draft this whole time.

These are two things I wrote for a class that I took way back when. The assignment was to give our thoughts on several quotes that we were given.

And now, here is One from the Box.
Quote Group One:

Gardens are not made by singing "Oh, how beautiful!" and sitting in the shade.
-Rudyard Kipling

Few wishes come true by themselves.
-June Smith

Just because you want something to happen, doesn't mean it will happen. You have to work for what you want out of life. No one has a genie or a magic wand. Christina Aguilera may think she is a genie, but I doubt you will get what you want from her by rubbing all over her. Unless, of course, that was your wish. Then I guess you could.

If you want fast cash, pull your teeth and pray for a fairy. Because nothing is given away. If you think you can make your dreams come true by simply wishing for them, you need to click your heels together three times and repeat, "There's no place like reality," because you obviously haven't visited there in awhile. Have a nice day.

Quote Group Two:

I don't want everyone to like me. I should think less of myself if some people did.
-Henry James

If you don't have enemies, you don't have character.
-Paul Newman
(Paul Newman by the way is my secret lover. I cannot remember if I have mentioned that in my blog before. I guess it is no secret now.)

Personally, I don't want everyone to like me. I would think less of myself if Adolf Hitler did. Would you want to be known as Charles Manson's best friend? I don't think so.

We all need enemies. If we had no enemies, where could we get rid of excess negative energy? Nowhere. You would probably see people's heads exploding from all the built up pressure. One day while walking down the street with some friends, you'll hear an explosion. When you look over, you'll see little Johnny Johnston on the ground. All you can think to say is, "And then there were two."

Instead of allowing your head to explode, explode at an enemy. It's safer, cleaner, and a whole lot more fun.

Later Consuela.