Saturday, September 18, 2004

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Thursday, September 16, 2004


So after taking a poll of all the voices in my head, I have decided that I can make this announcement officially without worrying about whether it is true. I, Preston Lastname, am a total stalker. There! I said it. Don't you feel better now? I sure do...

Since returning from the mountains, I have done nothing but mope around the house, sink deeper and deeper into a depression, and remember those two days. I have also called Joey probably four times since Tuesday. Today is Thursday, so I have definitely overcalled him, me thinks. I cannot help it though. Well, I suppose I could help it. I mean, I could just not dial his number, but I miss him. "How can a person possibly get that hung up on a guy that he just met?" you are probably asking yourself. Meet him and you will understand. I cannot explain it. I don't know that there are even words to accurately describe him. I will try. Although, remember to take this description and magnify it by fifty thousand. I would do it for you, but I do not have the resources to magnify it for everyone who reads this.

Joey has a heart of gold. He believes in honesty. He can make friends anywhere he goes and with anyone he meets. He is profoundly concerned with the well-being of others. He inadvertently misinformed a group of elderly people on how far a certain hike through the mountains was and kept saying to me that he hoped that they'd be all right. It was not to score some "see what a nice guy I am" brownie points or anything either. I could tell he was honestly worried. He has the most gorgeous smile and green eyes. He is actually in school and doing something with his life. He does not do drugs. He is romantic. Monday night, he and I took a walk around part of Fall Creek Falls and he made me stop and lay down with him so we could look up at the stars together. There were so many stars Monday night, and all over the ground there were lightning bugs lighting up, millions of them, reflecting the clear star-filled mountain sky. It was one of the most, if not the most, beautiful things I have ever seen and/or experienced in my life. He encourages me and pushed me to try and do things I never thought I could actually do before. He is sensitive and understanding. He is completely nonjudgmental. He is an excellent conversationalist. We never had any awkward silences. I felt the whole time like I was with someone that I had known forever. He is invincible. He is the most amazing guy that I have ever met or been interested in. You may remember my "Ken" criteria from a much, much earlier post. I think I have mentioned "Ken" before. In case I did not, Ken was my first love. I will not go through any details about him, but I have compared every single guy that I have dated or considered dating during the past seven or eight years to Ken. I call it the "Ken" criteria. He had a huge impact on me. Joey has completely blown the "Ken" criteria out of the water. Does that mean that I am in love with him? No, it does not. Joey just left more of an impression on me than I had ever expected him to. Honestly, I had prepared myself to meet an overly horny Brazillian who was gorgeous and had a one track mind. I was not at all prepared for what I actually got. I videotaped the whole trip, and everyone who has seen it has said the same thing. They have all told me that from what little bit they saw of him on tape, they can tell he is the most real guy I have ever been after (no offense to any ex's who may be reading this) and that I need to definitely go for it. I am just feeling ugh because I think that it is probably totally one sided and I do not deserve someone that great. I don't know. Whatever happens happens I guess. I hope he finds someone who treats him right and truly appreciates how special he is. I do hope that that person is me, but even if I am not the one, at least I got an incredibly amazing friend out of the whole experience. I can't write anymore right now.

Later Consuela.

Wednesday, September 15, 2004

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Monday, September 13, 2004

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Kitty Lovin'

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